Chinese interest in global travel may be higher than ever before, as more of the country's citizens look to explore new, foreign destinations but while many Asian destinations are benefiting from this ...
There are tourist sites that will always be appealing because of their significance or beauty and religious sites of pilgrimages should consistently see a massive influx of visitors during key holiday ...
Indonesia is a thriving resort that sees business from countries across the globe thanks to its natural beauty and fantastic experiences; however, there is one country they are focusing their sights o ...
The concept of the Swiss mobility ticket, where guests receive a free pass for local public transport on checking in at their hotel, is one that is incredibly appealing to out-of-town visitors keen to ...
High demand for accommodation when the World Cup takes place has generated a new type of tourism that is nontraditional in Brazil: the “favela experience”, the new tendency.
The “Favela Experience” i ...