Concerns over the safety of tourists in Thailand intensified on May 20th as it was announced to the world that the country was now under martial law. The development, which was made official by the ar ...
Spain is predicted to close 2014 with three million more international tourists than last year, thus reaching 63.6 million foreign visitors after recording a 7.2% increase from January to April, accor ...
The results from the Ipsos-Europe Assistance Barometer are up. The study analyzes the intentions of European travelers for the coming summer.
After years of consecutive drops, 54% of Europeans have ...
Profits from international visitors in Mexico reached 4.4 billion dollars (3.2 billion euros) in the first trimester of the year, which is an increase of 14.8% in the number reached at the same time t ...
The Chinese relationship with France, on a tourist level, has been strong for a number of years, with tour groups visiting the capital to shop and enjoy the nation's romantic side through traditional ...