Business travelers who travel through Europe by car should inform themselves in advance if and in which form a toll will be due. Whoever violates against this regulation will be asked to pay up. The T ...
The global theme park market is continuing to rise, and a total of 214.7 million visitors came to the 25 most visited theme parks in the world during 2013, 4.3% more than the year before, according to ...
An estimated 89% of the Spanish plan on spending their vacations at a domestic destination, according to a study conducted by MasterCard and together with Euromonitor International on the travel tende ...
The world destinations experts compared indexes on gastronomy, transportation, and hotels, among other things, concluding that in recent months the places to stay in Rio de Janeiro, one of the host ci ...
VistoBoom of visa for tourism in Italy in 2013: the beautiful country won the second highest number of requests between the Schengen States, behind France, and ahead of Germany. This is what emerges f ...