China is going to build 10,000 new green hotels. Hotel ranking system of ‘leaves’ rates the most environment friendly facilities. China wants to make its hotel industry greener. According to the director of the Trade Service Division of China"s Ministry of Commerce, Di Jiankai, they plan to build 10,000 green hotels by 2012. 1,000 hotels are planned for 2009, 2,000 for 2010, 3,000 for 2011 and the last 4,000 hotels will be built in 2012. Despite the global crisis, which hurts the Chinese economy as well as the whole world, eco friendly tourists are seen as an important market segment. Although a green hotel may be a bit more expensive to build, it should be more efficient and the Chinese expect the hotels to consume 20 per cent less water and electricity. The carbon dioxide emissions are also going to be lower. According to Han Ming, the director of the China Hotel Association, a national green hotel working commission has been established. Also, new standards were formulated to rank the green hotels which will receive leafs instead of stars. To become a five leaf venue, a hotel needs to maximize resource efficiency, minimize its impact on the environment, as well as ensure safety and health services. Green design or hazardous waste treatment are also among the important indicators for the ranking. Five-leaf green hotels will receive the certification from national appraisal department whereas four-leaf hotels and lower quality facilities will be accredited by provincial departments. Related:EU ECOLABEL: POPULAR IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY“Green“ Hotels May Not Be So Green After All