The global crisis has affected Paris more than experts had originally predicted. Tourism has dropped by around 11%, mostly due to weakened dollar and pound. The Euro zone is now a place for the Americans and British to avoid, especially its most expensive parts, to which the French capital certainly belongs. The number of British tourists in Paris in the first quarter of this year was already down by 23.4%. The numbers of Japanese tourist fell by 25.4%. Put these two facts together and it spells disaster for those running businesses in tourism in Paris. American visits have also plummeted due to the very weak dollar and revenue has eroded. Apparently, the outbreak of swine flu has and will have little effect. The real blame is a purely economic one.In order to combat the woes related to their tourism industry, the Parisians have come up with a few plans. The first plan is somewhat controversial, especially in terms of the opposition from traditionalists. That is to open shops and restaurants on Sundays. If goods, food and drink become available on the day of rest then, most think, revenue will increase. Whether the habits of a lifetime can be changed overnight remains to be seen.A further plan involves waiters, waitresses and shopkeepers being much more polite than they are used to. The French have never had the greatest of reputations in the politeness and customer service area. Nowadays, this must improve if visitors are to be persuaded to part with their expensive Euros. There is also planned a marketing campaign with a specific aim at the American market. Paris’ classic selling points of great monuments, expression of culture and romance will be portrayed across the Atlantic more than ever before. Related:NEW GOVERNMENT REFORMS LEAD TO CHANGES IN FRENCH HOTELSWHAT’S UP IN FRANCE THIS YEAR?
I guess everybody is doing as much as they can to draw some tourists. First I thought that Sunday shopping is great - it is but only for the customers. I wouldn't like to be the one who has to go to work to serve the clients.