When most people are told about a camping holiday, almost everybody would think of a tent stuck somewhere in the middle of a cozy camp site. However, thanks to a number of innovations in the travel accommodation industry, mainly from the Internet, camping holidays may now take place in front of your garage.
Today the biggest problem for budget travellers, especially after the invention of budget airlines, is accommodation. It normally takes a lot from ones budget when cash is an issue. No wonder that couch surfing has found so many fans especially among young travellers. The idea of providing one’s spare bed or couch for other tourists in exchange of the same service in other locations is definitely revolutionary.
A new Swedish portal, SingleSpotCamping, now gives the travellers a chance to offer their piece of a land, backyard, or even a garage entrance, for camping enthusiasts. The aim of the portal is to create travel experiences that are more unique and personal than staying at a regular camping ground.
It has been suggested by many, including rich people, that spending a holiday on a campsite or in a youth hostel is a much better way of getting to know a certain destination than spending a few nights in the luxury of a 5-star hotel.
The Swedish site does involve fees for the hosts, which makes the scheme even more attractive to the landowners. The great advantage of the whole concept is that unlike with couch surfing both the host and the guest can maintain a certain level of privacy. The site has so far been discovered by hosts and guests from Finland, Australia, Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. More countries are expected to follow.
When most people are told about a camping holiday, almost everybody would think of a tent stuck somewhere in the middle of a cozy camp site. However, thanks to a tourism review.com in the travel accommodation industry, mainly from the Internet, camping holidays may now take place in front of your garage it is awesome.
Russ Dotson