Soon after an ambitious project to connect both sides of the Bosporus Strait started, the workers uncovered what appears to be an ancient Neolithic settlement. The excavation works are fully underway and archeologists rejoice that Istanbul is now proved to be much older than previously anticipated. Turkey’s Istanbul is a true metropolis – the second largest settlement in Europe has a fascinating history. The city seems to have always been on the crossroads – between tradesmen, cultures, continents. Local impressive heritage of hundreds of years has always attracted many tourists and archeologists alike. Recently, a major project was introduced which is to connect both sides of the Bosporus Straits via a rail tunnel. The ambitious Marmaray project was, however, put on hold due to an amazing discovery which marked its very initiation.Immediately after the works started, a surprising find of immense historical and archeological importance was uncovered. The more the excavation works proceeded, the clearer it became, that Istanbul is much older that previously anticipated. Only a few meters below the ground, an ancient port was uncovered. The deeper the dig proceeded, the more exciting facts were revealed. Settlements and burial grounds dating back some 8.000 years were excavated as well. According to many historical sources, Istanbul was first settled around 700 B.C. The newly discovered Neolithic settlement proves a fascinating truth about the age of the city, which goes thousands of years back. Along with cremation urns and human skeletons, clothes, jewelry, simple tools and other utensils were also found. Time is pressing and the Marmaray project stands still – however, archeologists are patiently working on site non-stop. The treasures buried in the sediment are overwhelming and even though the excavation works proceed with great speed, the tunnel is not expected to be completed before 2011. Even though this may seem like a shame, thanks to the project, Istanbul has now more pride than ever.