Denise Chen - Jun 23, 2024
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Ninety-seven percent of hotel guests consult reviews from previous guests when booking a stay in a hotel or resort. This is one of the findings or a report by Accor, which is based on a survey of 5,000 travelers from five European countries.

Guest reviews, according to the survey, hold a significant position in the booking decision, ranking second after rooms and amenities. They surpass factors like food and catering, WiFi/internet connection, and health and hygiene standards. A substantial 38 percent of guests read reviews before booking a hotel, and an equal percentage do so most of the time.

On average, those willing to book read nine reviews (8.63) per hotel or resort they want to stay in, with Polish guests at the top of the list reading an average of almost eleven (10.58) reviews.

Cleanliness Is Crucial for Hotel Guests

Before booking a stay, respondents are most interested in information about the hotel's or resort's cleanliness. When asked about the three areas they would most like to read about in reviews, a significant 52 percent said cleanliness was the most critical factor. This was followed by value for money (27%), the rooms (26%), the location (21%), and the friendliness of the staff (19%). This underscores the importance of maintaining high hygiene standards in hotels and resorts.

Reviews hold more sway for couples and family holidays than for solo travelers. A significant 85 percent of respondents who read reviews and plan to travel with a partner consider reviews from previous guests essential. A similar percentage (82 percent) find reviews important when booking a family holiday. For solo trips, 66 percent view reviews as integral to their decision-making process. Among business travelers, 55 percent share this sentiment.

The majority (63 percent) of those who read reviews try to find a balanced picture of opinions and take both positive and negative reviews into account. This is particularly true of survey participants from the UK.

The timeliness of the reviews is also important: more than two-thirds (67%) of people who read reviews ignore those older than six months.

Poles Are the Most Active Reviewers

Approximately 57 percent of respondents write reviews for at least half of their hotel stays. Ten percent of respondents write reviews after each stay, while 30 percent do so most of the time. According to a comparison of countries, travelers from Poland are the most likely to write reviews, with 95 percent stating that they have left comments in the past. This is followed by guests from Spain (94 percent), Germany (85 percent), and France (84 percent). Guests from the United Kingdom are the least likely to express their opinions, with only 79 percent stating that they write reviews.

Furthermore, 94 percent of members of customer loyalty programs write reviews, compared to 79 percent of non-members.

According to the survey, a significant 71 percent of respondents expressed their appreciation for hotels that take the time to respond to reviews. This indicates that guest feedback is not only being acknowledged but also valued. However, it's important to note that 12 percent of respondents opposed responding to reviews, citing concerns that it might come across as insincere or simply a business formality.

Experts stress that guest reviews are not mere references but play a pivotal role in shaping travelers' purchasing decisions and their perceptions of hotels, resorts, and brands. This underscores the need for hoteliers to prioritize reviews within their marketing strategies. The power of reviews is undeniable, and it is in the best interest of hotel guests that the industry continually strives for improvement based on this feedback.

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