Anna Luebke - Mar 28, 2011
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Statistics suggest German tourists will travel more and will also spend more this year. The number of bookings of more expensive trips has increased while the average time spent on holiday stays the same.


According to the research by GfK Retail and Technology based on the number of trips booked in Germany, upcoming tourism season is very promising. The sales in January increased by 18 per cent in year to year comparison and the trend is likely to continue. The number of bookings of more expensive trips is rising, whereas the demand for trips which cost less than 1000 euro is dropping. The expenses allocated for traveling have increased and especially individual travelers or couples are expected to spend more on traveling this summer.

As reports the average time spent of holidays remains more or less the same, around 11 nights, but the expenses have increased by 6.7 per cent. An average German spends 954 euro per person. Families also spend more but only by 2.6 per cent. Spanish coast has so far attracted more Germans this year then in 2010. The sales of holidays to Spain have grown by 22.6 per cent which is a higher growth than the year before. Turkey has also recorded a similar growth in bookings. The double digit growth was also recorded by Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria.

Such development is also influenced by the unrest in northern Africa. Despite the facts, the number of bookings to Egypt has started to increase again. Major signals of recovery were already recorded at the end of February. The growth is more significant in online bookings. Germans prefer to book their trips in major travel agencies, especially if they want to go on an expensive vacation or if they need assistance and advice. The sales of trips have reached over 1000 Euros and consist of 53 per cent share in travel agencies and 30 per cent share in online sales.

Compared to less expensive trips, the trend is contrary. If the expenses do no exceed 750 euro, 47 per cent of customers book their trips online while only 26 per cent goes to a travel agency in person. It is similar with hotel bookings. One in five Germans books three star hotel online but only one in ten does the booking in person in a travel agency.

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