What is the classic image of checking into a hotel? Ringing the bell for service and signing the guest book. That should be quaint and old-fashioned at this point. We live in an increasingly paperless world and DeskBell Service offers smart solution.
Hotels and hostels have always generated a lot of paperwork. There is a lot of documentation involved in keeping guest records and even more in guest services. Guests are provided with books containing all the information they need such as telephone numbers, information on local restaurants and bars, information on hotel services and other frequently requested information about the local areas. Stop for moment and consider how much paper all that involves.
Let’s say the average weight of a hotel’s information book roughly equals to ten A4 folded pages or 2 oz. /0.11 lb. If there are 1,500,000 hotels all over the world and each one has about 100 rooms, all the paper for info books amounts to 8,250 tons. But the major part of information changes fast (such as telephone numbers or restaurant pricing), and they become irrelevant quickly. What should we do? Print a new version? It means more waste and more damage to the environment.
Now there is an easy way for hotels to go digital and save on all that paper. DeskBell Service application gives hotel guest a single digital place to access important information about the hotel and places of interest that are located near the hotel.
Let’s put that into perspective: imagine all hotels stopped utilizing books and booklets and started to use DeskBell. According to Save a Tree project, 2,000 lb. of waste paper saves 9 trees. So 8,250 tons can save around 75,000 trees in a year! Is it a lot? It depends. For example, in New York Central Park there are about 26,000 trees. DeskBell can save two central parks!
Montreal’s Angrignon Park has more than 20,000 trees, so DeskBell could have saved three Montreal’s parks. Also, 75,000 trees equals to four Quingnianhu Parks in Beijing (more than 16,000 trees), or four botanical gardens in Xian, the famous historical and cultural center in China, or five Retiro Parks in Madrid (more than 15,000 trees).
DeskBell Service has a primary mission of helping hotel guests find all the information they need on local places of interest, local events and local services in one place but we also believe in being responsible corporate stewards of the environment. Of course, we cannot save all the trees on the planet, but these 75,000 are also a contribution to preserving nature.
Every paper page converted to digital data will save many trees, which are and always will be the lungs of our planet. That is why DeskBell is proud to be a paper-free alternative that will help hotel guests find the information that they need.
DeskBell will determine the location of hotels and places of interest within the chosen range of a search. Then users can see the available options and make smart choices.