Pat Hyland - Jul 16, 2023
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Bali is a much-loved vacation paradise with gorgeous rice terraces, Hindu temples, and enchanting beaches. But it comes at a price. Environment and culture should be better protected in the future. The country plans to introduce an entry fee for visitors.

Beginning next year, tourists visiting Bali, the popular Indonesian holiday destination, will have to pay an entry fee of ten US dollars (nine euros) per person. The collected funds will primarily be utilized to support programs aimed at safeguarding the island's environment and culture, as stated by tourism officials recently.

Bali is renowned worldwide for its stunning rice terraces, Hindu temples, and sandy beaches, making it a top choice for travelers.

Starting January 1, 2024, Bali visitors will pay an entry fee directly at the airport or seaport. Holidaymakers will need to keep their receipts and stickers until departure. The policy is aimed at increasing awareness and responsibility among foreign tourists to protect Bali's environment and culture, according to Putu Astawa, head of the tourism office.

Bali has recently made headlines due to the misbehavior of some tourists, including posing naked on top of sacred sites like Mount Agung. In response, Provincial Governor Wayan Koster announced strict measures. He wants to make Bali a destination for quality tourism and discerning guests who respect local culture.

Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the island, with a population of approximately 4.2 million, received over 6.2 million international tourists annually. However, the tourism industry suffered a significant decline due to the pandemic. Fortunately, since the pandemic has subsided, there has been a considerable increase in tourists visiting the island.

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