Andrew J. Wein - Oct 20, 2024
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In Bali, local authorities have implemented a new tax targeting foreign travelers since February 2024. They are now taking stricter measures against tourists who break local laws and rules. The penalties for such offenses have been significantly increased, with the possibility of life imprisonment for serious violations.

The offenses include overstaying one's visa, suspicion of a criminal offense, and violating visa conditions. Previously, offenses that warranted six months to a year in prison can now result in twenty years of imprisonment. Furthermore, the penalty for severe crimes has increased from five years to life imprisonment. Even a simple offense such as overstaying a visa can now lead to a ten-year prison sentence, according to the Directorate General of Immigration.

A policy is being implemented as part of a broader effort to monitor the behavior of foreign travelers in Bali. "Indonesia is a country that values its tourism sector, but we believe that comfort should be accompanied by order. We want foreign visitors to understand and adhere to the rules of our country. We are also working to ensure that those who visit are high-quality travelers, through strengthened intelligence cooperation and information exchange with other countries," Silmy Karim recently stated to local media.

These stricter measures are not limited to verbal declarations. Additional immigration checkpoints will be established nationwide, and more patrols will be deployed to maintain order. The goal is to prevent the desecration of sacred sites, the public display of drunken behavior, drug use, disrespect for local customs, and the various other uncivil behaviors that have unfortunately become common in Bali.

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