The Azores is somehow forgotten European tourism destination. Lost in Atlantic the archipelago is a unique place. Hundreds of volcanoes, wonderful landscape and interesting architecture make it an interesting place to visit.
The Azores have so far avoided mass tourism. Many tourists get here because of an emergency landing during a flight to another destination. This makes the archipelago one of the most exotic European destinations well off the beaten track.
Azores, an autonomous Portugal region, consist of nine volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The youngest island Pico is ca. 300,000 years old and the volcano on Pico is with its 2,351 meters the tallest Portuguese mountain.
Though it might seem calm with the snow cap on its top the volcano is still active time to time – the last eruption occurred in 1963. In 1957 a huge eruption shook the island of Faial. Dust and magma almost buried an old light house on the coast. The place is now called Vulcao dos Capelinhos and there is an exhibition about the volcanoes on the first floor. What is interesting is that the first floor is now actually underground.
As reported, the Azores are home to approximately 250 thousand people. There is no capital since different offices, courts, and other office buildings, are located on different islands. The biggest island is Sao Miguel, the seat of the autonomous government. They also have a university and a beautiful convent Nossa Senhora da Esperanca.
The Azores have a charm thanks to romantic architecture and wonderful landscape. There are wonderful lakes, hundreds of volcanoes as well as hot springs. The volcanic activity made local soil very fertile which makes it possible to grow various plants here including tea.
The archipelago also has its UNESCO World Heritage Site – the historic town centre of Angra do Heroísmo. The archipelago was also known for whaling which is now none existing, nevertheless tourists may visit a whaling museum.
I think that Pico's age is set in the hundreds of thousands of years... not 300 years?
Yes, of course, corrected:) Thank you for letting us know.