Joe McClain - Sep 4, 2018
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Thinking about going for an Antarctica expedition? Don't know what to expect? Have you already chosen a polar provider? What place are you going to visit first? What clothes are you going to take with you? Have you already consulted with your doctor?

In other words, you can't just book a trip and go on an expedition when it comes to extreme Polar regions. Travelling to Antarctica is about preparing in advance. It is not the same as going to Paris or Rome for a weekend. First of all, find a company. It has to be a reliable provider with experience. For example, if you want to see very different and unique places, you can visit Antarctica with Poseidon Expeditions and its team of experienced travelers.

Secondly, create a checklist and start filling it as soon as possible. What to include in that checklist? Let's have a look.

What to Do Before Going to Antarctica?

Going to Antarctica is an adventure, that you've probably never experienced before. Thus, you have to take all the preparations seriously. Don't leave anything for the last night before the trip. Start as early as possible.

  • Before booking a trip, consult with your doctor. You have to be sure that your health absolutely allows you visiting regions with extreme temperatures. What about your age? In fact, age doesn't matter at all. There are so many travelers who are older than 40, 50, and 60 years old on those cruises. The only thing that matters is the general health condition. If you take supplements on a daily basis, you might need to inform the cruise team about it. Thus, they will know what supplements they should take for you.
  • You can't go to Antarctica in the clothes you already own. Of course, if you have special extreme weather clothes already, you don't need to buy new pieces. What exactly to wear? You can find the full info online or get it from your expedition provider directly.
  • Do not take too much stuff. One suitcase or one big backpack is enough. Usually, an expedition cruise ship has everything needed for a comfortable living. Take the essentials and some clothes to change onboard. Cruise ships are warm and beautiful inside.
  • Decide what activities you're going to do on expeditions. Different companies have different offers. It is better to decide in advance whether you want to try kayaking, helicopter sightseeing, or professional photography services on a trip. Check all the services earlier and save some extra money for them.


And the last, but not the least. Don't expect that the journey will be an easy one. Of course, it will be comfortable and interesting, but prepare yourself that it can take up to a few days to reach the first destination of the trip. Even if it seems a little bit longer than usual, it's definitely worth it.

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