Nils Kraus - Mar 16, 2021
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If you need to make a generalized portrait of a 20-year old, the desire to travel will be among the first things you’d say. It seems like a very common trope for all young people around the world. They all want to travel. They have a burning desire to see the world for themselves. Why shouldn’t they? Traveling can help them grow as individuals. It can also teach them about responsibility, budgeting, determination, planning, and so many other essential things in life. In fact, a month of traveling can be worth a year of experience. Hence, students do need to travel quite a lot to learn more about themselves, the world, and their place in it.

However, here comes a problem. Most people view traveling as an expensive activity. The one students can’t financially afford. Well, traveling can be expensive, for sure just as it can be very, very cheap. It all depends on you, your travel plans, and the countries you are going to visit. Here are the best travel destinations that are extremely popular among students. Let’s see why those countries have such success among young people.


It is a bit odd to say, but it seems like Instagram made Morocco way more popular among young people than state officials could ever predict. It is all due to the extreme beauty of this African country. Students found out how photogenic this country is. They come to see its beautiful beaches and great cities. Traditionally, some Moroccan cities are painted in only one color or two colors. These colors are mainly blue and white. This color palette makes the architecture and the city view a truly unique place to see. Besides, let’s not forget about amazing Moroccan cuisine. It is a perfect country for traveling with friends and enjoying the great culture, nature, and even the nightlife.


This country in Eastern Europe may not be your number choice when it comes to travel destinations, we know that. In fact, not many people would be able to find it on the map on the first try. However, you need to reconsider your take on Estonia. Recently it got into the top ex-pat destination. Why? It has everything young and ambitious people can dream of. First, it is very affordable, especially in comparison to other European countries. Next, it is very modern. Its progress with digitalization can serve as an example for all other countries. Pretty much all governmental services you can think of, you can find and use online. Yet, this country has an incredible history, which you can see in its architecture. It has castles, medieval old towns, perfectly preserved forts, ancient churches, and more. We dare you to see some affordable papers reviews and find a writer who can tell you in detail about the rich history of this beautiful and proud country.


Croatia has some views as you’ve never seen anywhere in Europe. It is simply gorgeous. It is a country of peace and beauty. And the beaches. And the mountains. And great wine. Well, it is a country that unites in itself way too many pearls to enlist them in one brief paragraph. Over recent years, the country’s tourism sector has been really booming. You can be a budget tourist, or “I want to spend all my money” tourists, both of you will have something to do in Croatia. You can go sailing on yachts. You can enjoy the crazy nightlife, like parties on the beaches. You can also cycle through the country and enjoy the beautiful nature on the mainland and the islands. You can even read an academic review and order a paper on the unique nature of Croatia. It will be quite a read, we must say.


The world didn’t wait for long once Cuba was finally open for visitors. Tourists started to fill the streets of Havana and other cities. Traveling to Cuba, in a way, is similar to traveling through time. Since the country was closed for trade and other international cooperation for such a long time, the country really preserved itself in the past. However, it still has a lot to offer. The nature, culture, food, or the people of this country are worth paying for your flight ticket. Though, you better read an advanced writers review to find a reliable service to tell you the whole truth about the Cuban revolution and life after it. It is essential to know if you are planning on visiting the island someday.

The bottom line

As you can see, the map seems to be changing quite drastically these days. Students have discovered numerous hidden jams all around the world. These are the countries that are accessible, affordable, and very welcoming. Not many of those countries had many tourists coming in the past. However, it seems like soon that will face some serious changes.

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